Since our foundation in 2001 as Zuloark Collective, we have been working under a collaborative model based on care, co-responsibility and shared authorship. As we always say, the biggest project of Zuloark is Zuloark itself. Our structure is based on a “fluid hierarchies” system, with rotative managing roles, while counting with a great network of international collaborators.
Our collective has always been active in the public discussion about contemporary social and political demands. Battling against the global crisis of climate and ecological breakdown is currently one of our first priorities, thus we are aligning all our activities with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations for 2030.
Our methodology is based on a 4-pillar system of values:
The Situated City, the famous concept coined by Donna Haraway. In every new commission, we assume the complex yet necessary task of mediation and participation, including as many local agents as possible. Zuloark often acts as a facilitator between private organizations and individuals, public and academic bodies and civil society, digital and situated communities.
The Second Lives, a recycling policy where the life-cycle of the materials is integrated in the initial steps of the design process. This circular economy process consists in reusing parts and materials of one project into another, while also reclaiming the collaboration of the local authorities.
The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), Lev Vygotsky’s inspirational notion. In 2001, we established Zuloark as a place where “everybody can learn to do something with the help of another”. Expanding this theory to the classroom, we invite the students to a “learning by doing” process, focusing on their own skills and interests, while sharing knowledge with their peers.
Last, Inteligencias Colectivas, is apart from a practical research project, a also a vision: we seek to understand the “tactical urbanisms” around the world as intelligent emergent city-living making. If we can document, share and implement all this knowledge and hybridize it with scientific city- development, we will be able to ensure decent, healthy and safe living conditions in more livable urban environments.