A large-scale playground for all generations on Madrid’s Gran Vía
We envision LNEB (La Noche En Blanco) as an opportunity for testing a new kind of urbanism. During this event, pedestrians become the protagonists of the city, enabling interactions on an unprecedented scale. We aim to transform the city through participatory actions, where the real spectacle is the people themselves—acting, participating, and reshaping the spaces we offer them.

For the materialization of the elements, we use recycled materials and standard construction materials. This approach allows us to both reduce costs and increase the density of proposals, while also achieving an aesthetic of the unfinished—elements that can be transformed by each participant on that night.

Basically, we intend something very simple: we want the photos that capture what happened at LNEB 2010 to focus not on impressive installations or large setups, but on the people who participate and engage with the space—and later, on the places where these pieces travel, the true destinations for which they were originally conceived.
The “Second Lives” of objects is a central element of the project, which aims to meet the city’s needs by using LNEB’s funds to generate collective activities during that night, and which can later be reallocated to spaces where they are needed.