24022 |
2024 |
EducationFestivalsParticipationWorkshop |
Rivera, Uruguay |
24003 |
Suq Centeno
2024 |
ParticipationUrbanism |
Córdoba, España |
19059 |
Children’s playground MODUL
2019 |
ParticipationUrbanismWorkshop |
Hospitalet de Llobregat, España |
20011 |
Sendas (o)Cultas Fuencarral
2020 |
Cultural HeritageParticipationUrbanism |
Madrid, España |
23002 |
Sendas (o)Cultas Villaverde
2023 |
Cultural HeritageParticipationUrbanism |
Madrid, España |
20039 |
PECa! Debates
2021 |
Events & ExhibitionsParticipationUrbanism |
Madrid, Spain |
14054 |
2012 |
Events & ExhibitionsUrbanism |
Madrid, Spain |
19011 |
Making Futures
2019 |
ParticipationUrbanismWorkshop |
Berlin, Germany |
16095 |
Moyano Territory
2016 |
Madrid, Spain |
23013 |
Calcinas community garden
2023 |
ParticipationWorkshop |
Santa Cruz de La Palma, Spain |
00210 |
Hand Made Urbanism
2013 |
EducationUrbanismWorkshop |
Madrid, Spain |
16083 |
IC Karachi
2016 |
Inteligencias Colectivas |
ParticipationResearchWorkshop |
Karachi, Pakistan |
00130 |
IC Palomino
2011 |
Inteligencias Colectivas |
ParticipationResearchWorkshop |
Palomino, Colombia |
23008 |
Prague Quadrennial 2023
2023 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & Exhibitions |
Prague, Czech Republic |
15008 |
2012 |
ParticipationUrbanism |
Berlin, Germany | Örebro, Sweden |
22004 |
Architecture School of Commons
2022 |
Cultural HeritageEducationUrbanismWorkshop |
France, Italy, Greece |
17003 |
Taüll House
2022 |
Design & InteriorsHousing |
Lleida, Spain |
18039 |
Bilbao BBK Live 2018
2018 |
Bilbao BBK Live |
Design & InteriorsFestivals |
Bilbao, Spain |
19033 |
Bilbao BBK Live 2019
2019 |
Bilbao BBK Live |
Design & InteriorsFestivals |
Bilbao, Spain |
15068 |
Almendro 3
2015 |
ParticipationUrbanism |
Madrid, Spain |
17018 |
Bilbao BBK Live 2017
2017 |
Bilbao BBK Live |
Design & InteriorsFestivals |
Bilbao, Spain |
22001 |
DAS Headquarters
2022 |
Design & Interiors |
Madrid, Spain |
22027 |
Patio House
2022 |
Design & InteriorsHousing |
Cordoba, Spain |
22021 |
2022 |
Design & InteriorsUrbanismWorkshop |
Madrid, Spain |
21005 |
Here be dragons (Hic sunt dracones) Bolonia
2022 |
Here Be Dragons |
Design & InteriorsParticipationWorkshop |
Finale Emilia, Italy |
00180 |
Bosque Real
2019 |
Cultural HeritageCurating |
Madrid, Spain |
16024 |
Bilbao BBK Live 2016
2016 |
Bilbao BBK Live |
Design & InteriorsFestivals |
Bilbao, Spain |
17016 |
Huerta Escuela: Learning from Citizens
2017 |
Design & InteriorsEducationResearch |
Madrid, Spain |
00035 |
2018 |
EducationEvents & ExhibitionsUrbanism |
Berlin, Germany |
18018 |
Mantequerías Delfín
2018 |
Design & Interiors |
Madrid, Spain |
21010 |
Here be dragons (Aqui há dragões) Porto-Matosinhos
2021 |
Here Be Dragons |
EducationParticipationUrbanismWorkshop |
Porto, Portugal |
00120 |
Universal Declaration of Urban Rights
2011 |
ParticipationUrbanism |
Europe |
21015 |
A greenhouse for Conchi’s community garden
2021 |
ParticipationUrbanismWorkshop |
Madrid, Spain |
19008 |
Awareness Workshop
2019 |
EducationWorkshop |
Suzhou, China |
17046 |
2017 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & Exhibitions |
Madrid, Spain |
17040 |
2016 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & Exhibitions |
Madrid, Spain |
19013 |
Little Brick House
2019 |
Design & InteriorsHousing |
San Giovanni in Persiceto, Italy |
21019 |
Tap Room Cá del Brado
2021 |
Design & Interiors |
Rastignano, Italy |
19048 |
Here be dragons La Palma (Canary Islands)
2019 |
Here Be Dragons |
Cultural HeritageDesign & InteriorsEvents & ExhibitionsParticipation |
Santa Cruz de La Palma, Spain |
19069 |
Three Pieces for Selling Honey
2019 |
Design & Interiors |
Sorrivoli, Italy |
17067 |
Unconventional spaces of learning: The Debate Room
2017 |
Design & InteriorsEducation |
Mirandola, Italy |
19015 |
Casa delle Arti di Comacchio
2019 |
Cultural HeritageDesign & Interiors |
Comacchio, Italy |
18021 |
UVA: Music and Visual Arts Festival
2018 |
Design & InteriorsFestivalsWorkshop |
Ronda, Spain |
15055 |
Los Madriles
2015 |
CommunicationResearchUrbanism |
Madrid, Spain |
19001 |
Center of Happiness Chapinero
2019 |
Design & Interiors |
Bogotá, Colombia |
00160 |
2014 |
Cultural HeritageEvents & Exhibitions |
Madrid, Spain |
19020 |
Woven House (Casa Tejida)
2019 |
Design & InteriorsHousing |
Nocaima, Colombia |
16094 |
Epic Urbanism
2016 |
ParticipationUrbanismWorkshop |
Valencia and Castellón, Spain | Witten, Germany |
18063 |
Operation Nickel
2018 |
FestivalsWorkshop |
Rivera, Uruguay |
16020 |
Jardin essentiel
2016 |
ParticipationWorkshop |
Brussels, Belgium |
14001 |
CONAMA 14 – Operation Herminio
2014 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & ExhibitionsUrbanism |
Madrid, Spain |
18007 |
Wakana Lake Reunion
2018 |
Design & InteriorsFestivals |
Benalup, Cádiz, Spain |
00130 |
IC Akôo
2015 |
Inteligencias Colectivas |
ParticipationResearchWorkshop |
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea |
10001 |
Gran Vía – Gran Obra
2010 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & ExhibitionsUrbanism |
Madrid, Spain |
17048 |
Pasa Página
2017 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & Exhibitions |
Madrid, Spain |
12001 |
VLS – Very Large Structure
2012 |
Design & InteriorsEducationUrbanism |
Castile and Leon, Spain |
17024 |
Stranger duets
2017 |
Design & Interiors |
Bilbao, Spain |
14001 |
Scuola di Musica
2014 |
Design & Interiors |
Finale Emilia, Italy |
18048 |
2015 |
Design & InteriorsEvents & Exhibitions |
different locations, Spain | Prague, Czech Republic |
16004 |
JAS Plató
2017 |
Design & Interiors |
Madrid, Spain |
15070 |
KSA Sakonia
2015 |
Design & InteriorsHousing |
Madrid, Spain |
16010 |
DSS2016: Yesterday you said tomorrow
2016 |
Design & Interiors |
San Sebastián, Spain |